Marketers minimising their marketing

I worked closely with the designer Mark Grant and the client to build out the website. I used Webflow for the build, with some custom code for interactions and GSAP animations. The checklist content can be updated by the client via CMS.

No-code developer
x1 Design Director
x1 No-code developer
1 month
Web design, Webflow, GSAP animations

GSAP animations

The page load animation, along with most of the animations, is built with GSAP. A hidden hover effect that switches the content and background colour is built with a native webflow animation.

Simple page of promises

The site is very simple, with a set of 10 principles. Powered by the CMS to update them, some custom code added to Webflow creates the scroll snapping and changing the navigation colour.

Fluid responsiveness

On tablet and mobile, the scroll snapping list adapts to an accordion component for easier use. The design and animation all adapt to look great on a smaller screen.